V Force Reunion 2014

We have now finalised the dates for the next V Force reunion which will take place over the weekend of 17th/18th May 2014 (not 2013!) at the Newark Air Museum.
The format will follow that of previous reunions. Events will be organised in the hangar at Newark, with a signing in area and displays by various organisations related to the V Force. The only charge will be for admission to the museum and a small charge for nametags to cover admin costs. On the Saturday evening there will be a buffet reception at nearby Newark Golf Club, which has proved an ideal venue at recent reunions. Details about this will be announced much later.

If you think you would like to attend please complete and send the enquiry form (link on left). This does not commit you to attend – obviously things happen which may cause you to change your plans, but if you think there’s a likelihood you will be coming send the form as this gives us an idea of likely attendance figures to help in planning. We are still looking for more interesting articles to go with those already on the website, and we will be reviving the gallery, so hunt out those pictures! We are looking forward to the reunion, but with the relentless march of anno domini this may well be the last that we organise, so let’s make it a good one! You can all help by spreading the word – we do our best but after each previous reunion we have heard from people who didn’t hear about it until too late, so tell all your friends!

Tony Blackman, ex Chief Avro Test Pilot, and author of Vulcan Test Pilot, has just written a book Victor Boys and would like to follow it up with Vulcan Boys. The format of the book, like the Victor, will be a collection of personal reminiscences of operating the Vulcan by air crew and ground crew members. Tony needs lot of contributions and would be very grateful if people who are prepared to help would contact him at tony@blackmanbooks.co.uk

One of our number has asked us to draw your attention to the 50th anniversary celebration of the Aden Services Gliding Club at RAF Cosford on the 23rd May 2013. Anyone who had any contact with the club should contact the organiser, Les Simpson, either on 01952 460420, or at lessimpson24@blueyonder.co.uk

Don Chadwick and Al McLoughlin
Don foxbarn@btopenworld.com
Al almacmedal@aol.com

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